Effort Certification Application System

Effort certification represents the process mandated by the federal government to verify that direct labor charges, committed effort, and cost-sharing effort to federally-sponsored agreements represent a reasonable reflection of actual effort. It provides the principal means for certifying that the salaries and wages charged to sponsored projects are consistent with the effort contributed.

As a condition to receive federal funding, institutions must maintain an accurate system for reporting the percentage of time (i.e., effort) that employees devote to federally-sponsored projects. Milletech has developed an Effort Certification Application System (ECAS) that is feature-rich and guaranteed to address all requirements for effort certification.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-21, OMB A-122, and OASC-3 contain the regulatory requirements for reporting and certifying faculty effort associated with federally sponsored agreements. The effort on the sponsored project must be certified by a responsible party with the means to verify that work was performed. Erroneous certification can lead to sanctions and fines against the institution.

Effort Certification Application System

  • Browser-based application.
  • Workflow-driven certification process.
  • Multi-level security implementation.
  • Reflects effort percentages of dollars for payroll securely.
  • Allows certification of multiple employees.
  • Handles absentee approver with appropriate approvals.
  • Creates automated cost-transfer transaction with debits and credits.
  • Configurable automated cost-transfers to Payroll or GL systems.
  • Built-in effort validation algorithm.
  • Built-in reconciliation process to GL, labor distribution and projects.
  • Visual demographics and payroll data validation.
  • User-defined approval process.
  • Handles NIH salary cap.
  • Delivers GL-Payroll reconciliation report.
  • Integrates with diverse Payroll and Financial suites.
  • Automated e-mail and alert notification.
  • Payroll and proposal efforts mismatch.
  • Certifying multiple efforts.
  • Verification of payroll transactions related to effort certification period.
  • Determine cost-transfers on the basis of effort discrepancies.
  • Reduce manual intervention in certification process.
  • Browser-based.
  • Deployable as standalone or as an integrated solution.
  • .NET, Java versions.
  • Integrates with Oracle, PeopleSoft, JDE, Lawson, Banner, SAP.
  • Data exchange with diverse sources.
  • Built-in query manager.
  • User-friendly report writer.
  • Easy-to-use navigation.
  • End-to-end certification process.
  • Allows certification when approver is out-of-office.
  • Reduces annual reconciliation time with other systems.
  • Consolidates data on certification page.
  • Protects sensitive payroll data.
  • Enhances accuracy, reduces manual reconciliation effort.
  • Expedites certification process.
  • Tracks institution and departmental certification status.
  • Provides ad hoc reporting capability.